part or partition
Creates a partition on the system. This command is required for installs, and is ignored on upgrades.
If more than one Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation exists on the system on different partitions, the installation program prompts the user and asks which installation to upgrade.
All partitions created will be formatted as part of the installation process unless --noformat and --onpart are used.
part <mntpoint>
The <mntpoint> is where the partition will be mounted and must be of one of the following forms:
For example, /, /usr, /home
The partition will be used as swap space.
To determine the size of the swap partition automatically, use the --recommended option.
The recommended maximum swap size for machines with less than 2GB of RAM is twice the amount of RAM. For machines with 2GB or more, this recommendation changes to 2GB plus the amount of RAM.
The partition will be used for software RAID (refer to raid).
The partition will be used for LVM (refer to logvol).
The minimum partition size in megabytes. Specify an integer value here such as 500. Do not append the number with MB.
Tells the partition to grow to fill available space (if any), or up to the maximum size setting.
The maximum partition size in megabytes when the partition is set to grow. Specify an integer value here, and do not append the number with MB.
Tells the installation program not to format the partition, for use with the --onpart command.
--onpart= or --usepart=
Put the partition on an already existing device. Do not prefix the partition name with /dev.
--ondisk= or --ondrive=
Forces the partition to be created on a particular disk. Do not prefix the disk name with /dev.
Forces automatic allocation of the partition as a primary partition or the partitioning will fail.
Specifies a usage type to be passed to the program that makes a filesystem on this partition. A usage type defines a variety of tuning parameters to be used when making a filesystem. For this option to work, the filesystem must support the concept of usage types and there must be a configuration file that lists valid types. For ext2/3/4, this configuration file is /etc/mke2fs.conf.
Sets the file system type for the partition. Valid values include ext4, ext3, ext2, btrfs, swap, and vfat. Other filesystems may be valid depending on command line arguments passed to anaconda to enable other filesystems.
Specifies a free form string of options to be used when mounting the filesystem. This string will be copied into the /etc/fstab file of the installed system and should be enclosed in quotes.
Specify the label to give to the filesystem to be made on the partition. If the given label is already in use by another filesystem, a new label will be created for this partition.
Determine the size of the partition automatically.
Forces the partition to be created on a particular disk as discovered by the BIOS.
Specify that this partition should be encrypted.
Specify the passphrase to use when encrypting this partition. Without the above --encrypted option, this option does nothing. If no passphrase is specified, the default system-wide one is used, or the installer will stop and prompt if there is no default.
Load an X.509 certificate from <url>. Store the data encryption key of this partition, encrypted using the certificate, as a file in /root. Only relevant if --encrypted is specified as well.
Only relevant if --escrowcert is specified as well. In addition to storing the data encryption key, generate a random passphrase and add it to this partition. Then store the passphrase, encrypted using the certificate specified by --escrowcert, as a file in /root. If more than one LUKS volume uses --backuppassphrase, the same passphrase will be used for all such volumes.
If partitioning fails for any reason, diagnostic messages will appear on virtual console 3.
Turn off the machine after the installation is complete. Normally, kickstart displays a message and waits for the user to press a key before rebooting.
Assembles a software RAID device. This command is of the form:
raid <mntpoint> --level=<level> --device=<mddevice> <partitions*>
Location where the RAID file system is mounted. If it is /, the RAID level must be 1 unless a boot partition (/boot) is present. If a boot partition is present, the /boot partition must be level 1 and the root (/) partition can be any of the available types. The <partitions*> (which denotes that multiple partitions can be listed) lists the RAID identifiers to add to the RAID array.
RAID level to use (0, 1, 4, 5, 6, or 10).
Name of the RAID device to use (such as md0 or md1). RAID devices range from md0 to md7, and each may only be used once.
Specifies the number of spare drives allocated for the RAID array. Spare drives are used to rebuild the array in case of drive failure.
Sets the file system type for the RAID array. Valid values include ext4, ext3, ext2, btrfs, swap, and vfat. Other filesystems may be valid depending on command line arguments passed to anaconda to enable other filesystems.
Specifies a free form string of options to be used when mounting the filesystem. This string will be copied into the /etc/fstab file of the installed system and should be enclosed in quotes.
Use an existing RAID device and do not format the RAID array.
Use an existing RAID device and reformat it.
Specify that this RAID device should be encrypted.
Specify the passphrase to use when encrypting this RAID device. Without the above --encrypted option, this option does nothing. If no passphrase is specified, the default system-wide one is used, or the installer will stop and prompt if there is no default.
Load an X.509 certificate from <url>. Store the data encryption key of this RAID device, encrypted using the certificate, as a file in /root. Only relevant if --encrypted is specified as well.
Only relevant if --escrowcert is specified as well. In addition to storing the data encryption key, generate a random passphrase and add it to this RAID device. Then store the passphrase, encrypted using the certificate specified by --escrowcert, as a file in /root. If more than one LUKS volume uses --backuppassphrase, the same passphrase will be used for all such volumes.
The following example shows how to create a RAID level 1 partition for /, and a RAID level 5 for /usr, assuming there are three SCSI disks on the system. It also creates three swap partitions, one on each drive.
part raid.01 --size=60 --ondisk=sda
part raid.02 --size=60 --ondisk=sdb
part raid.03 --size=60 --ondisk=sdc
part swap --size=128 --ondisk=sda
part swap --size=128 --ondisk=sdb
part swap --size=128 --ondisk=sdc
part raid.11 --size=1 --grow --ondisk=sda
part raid.12 --size=1 --grow --ondisk=sdb
part raid.13 --size=1 --grow --ondisk=sdc
raid / --level=1 --device=md0 raid.01 raid.02 raid.03
raid /usr --level=5 --device=md1 raid.11 raid.12 raid.13
Reboot after the installation is complete. Normally, kickstart displays a message and waits for the user to press a key before rebooting.
Attempt to eject CD or DVD media before rebooting.
Configures additional yum repositories that may be used as sources for package installation. Multiple repo lines may be specified. By default, anaconda has a configured set of repos taken from /etc/yum.repos.d plus a special Installation Repo in the case of a media install. The exact set of repos in this directory changes from release to release and cannot be listed here. There will likely always be a repo named "updates".
repo --name=<name> [--baseurl=<url>
--mirrorlist=<url>] [options]
The repo id. This option is required. If a repo has a name that conflicts with a previously added one, the new repo will be ignored. Because anaconda has a populated list of repos when it starts, this means that users cannot create new repos that override these names. Please check /etc/yum.repos.d from the operating system you wish to install to see what names are not available.
The URL for the repository. The variables that may be used in yum repo config files are not supported here. You may use one of either this option or --mirrorlist, not both. If an NFS repository is specified, it should be of the form nfs://host:/path/to/repo. Note that there is a colon after the host--Anaconda passes everything after "nfs://" directly to the mount command instead of parsing URLs according to RFC 2224.
The URL pointing at a list of mirrors for the repository. The variables that may be used in yum repo config files are not supported here. You may use one of either this option or --baseurl, not both.
An integer value to assign a cost to this repository. If multiple repositories provide the same packages, this number will be used to prioritize which repository will be used before another. Repositories with a lower cost take priority over repositories with higher cost.
A comma-separated list of package names and globs that must not be pulled from this repository. This is useful if multiple repositories provide the same package and you want to make sure it comes from a particular repository.
A comma-separated list of package names and globs that must be pulled from this repository. This is useful if multiple repositories provide the same package and you want to make sure it comes from this repository.
Specify an HTTP/HTTPS/FTP proxy to use just for this repository. This setting does not affect any other repositories, nor how the install.img is fetched on HTTP installs. The various parts of the argument act like you would expect.
This option is used when composing installation trees and has no effect on the installation process itself. It tells the compose tools to not look at the package group information when mirroring trees so as to avoid mirroring large amounts of unnecessary data.
For a https repo do not check the server's certificate with what well-known CA validate and do not check the server's hostname matches the certificate's domain name.
Automatically enter the installer's rescue mode. This gives you a chance to repair the system should something catastrophic happen.
rescue [--nomount
Controls how the installed system is mounted in the rescue environment. By default, the installer will find your system and mount it in read-write mode, telling you where it has performed this mount. You may optionally choose to not mount anything or mount in read-only mode. Only one of these two options may be given at any one time.
This required command sets the system's root password to the <password> argument.
rootpw [options] <password>
If this is present, the password argument is assumed to already be encrypted. --plaintext has the opposite effect - the password argument is assumed to not be encrypted.
If this is present, the root account is locked by default. That is, the root user will not be able to login from the console.
Sets the state of SELinux on the installed system. SELinux defaults to enforcing in anaconda.
selinux [--disabled
If this is present, SELinux is disabled.
If this is present, SELinux is set to enforcing mode.
If this is present, SELinux is enabled, but only logs things that would be denied in enforcing mode.
Modifies the default set of services that will run under the default runlevel. The services listed in the disabled list will be disabled before the services listed in the enabled list are enabled.
services [--disabled=<list>] [--enabled=<list>]
Disable the services given in the comma separated list.
Enable the services given in the comma separated list.
At the end of installation, shut down the machine. This is the same as the poweroff command. Normally, kickstart displays a message and waits for the user to press a key before rebooting.
The installer can start up ssh to provide for interactivity and inspection, just like it can with telnet. This command is used to control the accounts created in the installation environment that may be remotely logged into. For each instance of this command given, a user will be created. These users will not be created on the final system - they only exist for use while the installer is running.
sshpw --username=<name> <password> [--iscrypted
--plaintext] [--lock]
Provides the name of the user. This option is required.
If this is present, the password argument is assumed to already be encrypted. --plaintext has the opposite effect - the password argument is assumed to not be encrypted.
If this is present, the new user account is locked by default. That is, the user will not be able to login from the console.
If present, X is not configured on the installed system.
Perform the kickstart installation in text mode. Kickstart installations are performed in graphical mode by default.